Elevate Efficiency, Lower Costs:
Customized Audits for Cloud Optimization

Analyze spending patterns, identify inefficiencies, and receive recommendations to optimize your cloud costs for maximum value.


What is the Importance of Cloud Cost Audit & Recommendations

Improved Cost Visibility

Many organizations struggle with understanding their cloud costs due to complex pricing structures. A cost audit provides clarity by breaking down expenses. 

Scalability and Flexibility

Our recommendations from a cost audit enables clients to scale their cloud resources up or down based on actual needs. This scalability ensures they are prepared for growth while avoiding unnecessary expenses during periods of lower demand. 

Predictable Budgeting

By providing cost projections and visibility, you enable your clients to create more accurate and predictable budgets, reducing financial uncertainty associated with cloud expenses. 

Strategic Planning

A cost audit can be a valuable tool for long-term strategic planning. It helps our clients align their cloud spending with their business goals and objectives, ensuring that cloud resources support their overall strategy. 

Client Satisfaction

Ultimately, helping clients save money and improve their cloud infrastructure's performance can lead to higher client satisfaction and loyalty, enhancing our reputation as a trusted cloud consulting partner.

Ultimately, helping clients save money and improve their cloud infrastructure's performance can lead to higher client satisfaction and loyalty, enhancing our reputation as a trusted cloud consulting partner.

Cloud Cost Audit & Optimizations

Improved Cost Visibility

Many organizations struggle with understanding their cloud costs due to complex pricing structures. A cost audit provides clarity by breaking down expenses. 

Scalability and Flexibility

Our recommendations from a cost audit enables clients to scale their cloud resources up or down based on actual needs. This scalability ensures they are prepared for growth while avoiding unnecessary expenses during periods of lower demand. 

Predictable Budgeting

By providing cost projections and visibility, you enable your clients to create more accurate and predictable budgets, reducing financial uncertainty associated with cloud expenses. 

Strategic Planning

A cost audit can be a valuable tool for long-term strategic planning. It helps our clients align their cloud spending with their business goals and objectives, ensuring that cloud resources support their overall strategy. 

Client Satisfaction

Ultimately, helping clients save money and improve their cloud infrastructure's performance can lead to higher client satisfaction and loyalty, enhancing our reputation as a trusted cloud consulting partner.

Ultimately, helping clients save money and improve their cloud infrastructure's performance can lead to higher client satisfaction and loyalty, enhancing our reputation as a trusted cloud consulting partner.

Granular Reporting

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Tagging compliance and cost attribution enable granular reporting capabilities. Organizations can generate detailed reports that provide insights into spending trends, cost drivers, and budget variances. These reports empower stakeholders to monitor and manage cloud costs more effectively, facilitating informed decision-making at all levels.

Process of Cloud Cost Audit & Recommendations at Infra360

Cloud Cost Audit & Optimizations
Client Assessment and Onboarding

Understand the client's business objectives, current cloud infrastructure, and pain points. Define the scope and objectives of the cost audit. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and success criteria for the project. Obtain access to the client's cloud environment and cost data.

Data Analysis

Perform a detailed analysis of the cloud infrastructure to identify cost trends, anomalies, and areas of concern. Break down costs by service, resource type, tags, and other relevant attributes. Compare current spending against budgets and industry benchmarks.


Develop a detailed report outlining findings, cost-saving opportunities, and actionable recommendations. Prioritize recommendations based on potential impact and client priorities. Provide a roadmap for implementing changes, including estimated cost savings.

Presentation and Discussion

Present the audit findings and recommendations to the client stakeholders. Facilitate discussions to address questions, concerns, and client-specific considerations.


Client Assessment and Onboarding

Understand the client's business objectives, current cloud infrastructure, and pain points. Define the scope and objectives of the cost audit. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and success criteria for the project. Obtain access to the client's cloud environment and cost data.

Data Analysis

Perform a detailed analysis of the cloud infrastructure to identify cost trends, anomalies, and areas of concern. Break down costs by service, resource type, tags, and other relevant attributes. Compare current spending against budgets and industry benchmarks.


Develop a detailed report outlining findings, cost-saving opportunities, and actionable recommendations. Prioritize recommendations based on potential impact and client priorities. Provide a roadmap for implementing changes, including estimated cost savings.

Presentation and Discussion

Present the audit findings and recommendations to the client stakeholders. Facilitate discussions to address questions, concerns, and client-specific considerations.


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